Parish Complex - Your Views


We Want Your Views

Hextable Parish Council wants to know what you think about the future of the Parish Complex. This is land that we own and we are seeking views as to what residents would like to see happen with it.

We would like residents of the village to give their views on one of five options so we can understand what the collective opinions of the community are before we do anything.

The vote will be open until the 1st October 2018.  Please bring your completed questionnaire to the ballot box in the Parish office.  Remember, for your vote to count, please provide your name and road.

The proposals can be viewed below:

Proposal 1 Heritage Centre Retained
Proposal 2 Heritage Centre Retained
Proposal 3 Heritage Centre Retained
Proposal 4 Heritage Centre Relocated
Proposal 5 Leave things as they are

The questionnaire for voting and giving your views can be downloaded here.

Hextable Parish Council - Future of the Parish Complex

It is well known that the parish council has been considering options for the future of the Parish Complex.  The developed site, off Dawson Drive contains four buildings that the parish own, each with different uses and merits.

The parish council has a duty to ensure that the best use is made of the assets we own, and to consider how the community can benefit from the facilities we have, whilst minimising the financial burden on the tax payer.

Our recent consultation with residents on some initial ideas for the future of the site, formed the very early stages of this consideration.  The feedback from this exercise will give us some valuable indication as to what the council may decide to do in the future.  The Parish Complex site, and all the council-owned facilities, belong collectively to the community, but the Parish Council manage these on behalf of our residents.  It is therefore essential that we use the feedback to help us in our future decisions.

It is important to us to ensure that in considering what ever we may do on the Complex site, is of maximum benefit for as many of our residents and user groups as we can, and that there is alternative provision in the community to provide for any users of the existing facilities who may be displaced.  Part of our ambition to improve, and provide sustainable facilities includes the reinvestment of any funds received in the replacement of a permanent pavilion in the park for the many youngsters that use the current dilapidated building.

The independent research company managing the feedback are working through the responses, and are are on programme to publish their report to be made available for members to review at full council in November, before we make this report available to residents.

At the last meeting of the council, we resolved to ask our independent research company to compile the report (to be brought to the next council meeting) and for it to be provided to the new elected members of the council in May 2019 when options can be decided, this will be brought back to council in Spring 2020.  This will be published on our website early December for the community to review ahead of the new council that will be formed in May 2019.

Hextable Parish Council Future Development Survey - Written Report 161118?